"Happy 87th Birthday Andy Warhol!"
You would have thought that Today was my birthday, Jourdan Zebraa and not Andy Warhol's.
Due to the fact that the The Andy Warhol Museum had Totally Shocked me earlier this week on Tuesday Aug. 4, by using my Painting "Warhol's Digital Minds Eye" jzebraa (2015) as an AD on the Warhol.org Tumblr page for submissions for #warholwednesday for his
87th Birthday #warholbirthday.
So, as if that was not Thrilling enough for me and believe me it WAS!
Wow I cried, like Momma and Daddy "I Made It" They Like Me!
Today I log in to my Twitter @jzebraa to find that my painting
"Warhol's Digital Minds Eye" with my Tweet about the AD for Warhol Wednesday submissions had been FAVORITED by the +The Andy Warhol Museum on Twitter
In my high school yearbook there is a photo of me
with a rolled up script from Speech and Drama class
for a play I was in on stage, that reads "Blows His Own Horn".
Well this time I'm blowing my own horn because, this means so much to me.
I would have never dreamed in a million years
when I started drawing and painting that one of my paintings would be the
106th Favorited Tweet on The Andy Warhol Museum Twitter page and on his Birthday!
Woot, Woot Hoot, Hoot, Cheers
Andy Warhol Thank You So Much Jourdan Zebraa a.k.a. jzebraa