April 8, 2024 total solar eclipse path over North America
99% Solar Eclipse from 8-21-2017
Eclipses have inspired fear and awe among civilizations throughout history, from the Aztecs to the ancient Hindus. They're also associated with some major religious events, including the darkness that accompanied Jesus’ crucifixion in Christianity and, in Islam, the passing of the Prophet Muhammad’s son, Ibrahim.
As the Bible's Gospel of Mark 15:33 reads: "And when the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour."
Some prayer during this time!
Exploring Choctaw culture noted the sun was considered to bring life and good fortune; for some communities, when solar eclipses occurred, it was as if great black squirrels in the sky were devouring the sun. In response, all were called upon to make noise in an effort to frighten them away.
In most pre-modern cultures, the sun god was among the most powerful deities in the pantheon. An eclipse represented the destruction of that god – or at least a dire sign.
“Where better to put signs from the gods but in the heavens?”
Witnessing a solar eclipse, however, can provide a spiritual experience, even for those who aren’t necessarily religious.
“It touches your soul, it really does.
“You can sometimes be clouded by all that darkness,”
“It’s such an emotional event,” “The natural world is trying to tell us that
beyond the darkness, there is light!”
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Here are some of my photos from the Big Eclipse Day!