CULVER CITY, Calif -- There is something new coming to "Wheel of Fortune" for its 42nd season: Ryan Seacrest. You'll see him on TV starting Monday, Sept. 9, teaming up with Vanna White, who's been turning letters on the show since 1983. Seacrest's "spin" on taking over for longtime host Pat Sajak? Don't mess with what's been working for decades. "I think just being there is so different, right? I mean, Pat and Vanna have been on the screens and in people's living rooms for so many years, which is a blessing," said Seacrest. "And just walking out with Vanna is enough of a change for this show at the beginning. It does work well. It's not broken so let's not fix it." Ryan and Vanna are not strangers. They've known each other for 20 years.
Friday, September 6, 2024 9:42PM